I have been off in NaNoWriMo land for the last month. If you are not familiar with NaNo, it is a writing challenge. You write 50,000 words in one month. At the end you have a novel - one that needs major editing - but still a novel. Do you always say "One of these days I will write that novel," but then you never get to that one day? Well, NaNo says, "Enough, that one day has arrived" and it starts every year on November 1.
This was my first year and I won! Yes, that is the winner's badge on the side there. It was a challenge, but the support from the other NaNo writers in the area, on the NaNo forums, on Twitter, and every other place, was fantastic. If I felt like procrastinating, they would give me a gental nudge to get moving.
What does this have to do with books and book reviews? Well, it is my excuse for not posting. I have not had time to read anything in the past month. I've been writing. I do, however, have one review that I neglected to write before NaNo madness assended, which I will be posting this week, and I have several other great books lined up to read.
So, be patient, they will be here.