22 January 2010

Writing Prompt – Snowed In

Use the following writing prompt in a ten minute free-write. Set your timer and just write. Do not stop to think about where your story is going. It can be enlightening to see where your sub-conscious takes you.

You are in a log cabin in Alaska. It has been snowing heavily all night and you awake to find yourself snowed in. There is no phone (including your cell phone), no electricity, and no transportation to take you into town. You are alone.

Here are some questions to keep you writing:
  • What do you notice about your surroundings? Describe the cabin and the immediate area around it.
  • How do you survive until help comes, or do you survive?
  • What do you do to pass time?
  • What thoughts go through your head? Do you relive memories from your childhood, think of survival movies?
  • Do you try to leave the cabin or do you stay in the shelter?
  • What brought you to Alaska in the first place? Do you live there or are your vacationing?


  1. Hello. I'm a writer from the Canton area looking to get a hold of some local writers to interact and share writings. My material is more YA paranormal/supernatural, and I have a finished novel with another one almost done, but they need some talented eyes to look 'em over. A friend pointed me in this direction. Do you know of anyone in my area that would be up for something like that? My e-mail is jtr10@zips.uakron.edu
